Monday, May 01, 2006


allright. for the last time, i do not have a cartoonified crush! i am just a fan of the series and a couple of the characters. i mean, whats the point of having a crush on a cartoon character? haha. *ahem* but starfire is cute though. hahahahahahaha. loll.

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oooh... maybe you could call me a freak. but who cares? haha.

lol. anyways. jheeva, stop calling me a ****boy you bad man, boy, whatever. haha. and stop making noise and bugging me when i am trying to sneak around. haha. and all is forgiven. i have come to the conclusion that you did not steal from me. haha. im dead broke too. sorry ben, might have to buy your books like next week when i get my allowance. haha.

and finally, take a look at that brave space marine on top of a forty metre tall daemon who is about to smite it in the name of the emperor. cool stuff. thanks ashvin for the cool screens. forgot to take some myself.

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